Introductory Questions

  1. Hi, I'm Selina Park. I am a junior majoring in computer science and minoring in biomedical data science.
  2. Although my main focus is data science, I like web development and I want to learn design aspect of web development.
  3. I took CSE 204 last semester and published a website before using HTML and CSS.
  4. Beyond embedding the functionality, the I want to learn how to make intuitive and user-friendly websites.
  5. Since users have devices with different screen sizes, we have to design the website that are suitable to various screen sizes.
  6. Link | This website has black and white colors as their main theme, and it uses various fonts and simple symbols to keep the minimal and effective design.
  7. Link | This website exemplifies effective communication by having cards with descriptions for each topic. The cards make it easy to understand the message.
  8. Link | This website works well since it has smooth transition and incorporates multiple features like video, pop-up buttons, zoom in/out as users scroll down the website.